2 days left!!

You have no idea how much I've stressed today, and it still feels like I haven't done enough. Tomorrow is the last day at home before the flight at Saturday. I finished packing today, and believe it or not, I made it within the 20 & 10 kilo limitations!! I thought I was going to be forced to pay an extra £50 for 3-5 kilos overweight, but I (somehow) made it! Now I just hope I haven't missed anything in my list. 
Stil no snow yet, and it's going to be 10°C on Christmas Eve so I guess the snow will hit us in January and stay until April. This is the only 'snow' we've had and to be honest with you, it's only frost. 
I have also finished my 10 New Year Promises I exchange and try to follow during the year, with my best friend. Now I just need to write it down nice and tidy and hope for the best. Tomorrow is going to be a big and eventful day. Wish me luck! 

Hugs xx / Maro 
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