Back & at 'em!

One week ago, I came back from the UK, I got ready and I left again! Not too far this time though. I went to Stockholm, for a work introduction! Did you hear that? WORK! I honestly can't believe that I'm working. It feels so good. Do you know what's even better? I'm working for the organisation that made me who I am today. Even though, it is a short-term work, I feel so honoured and so happy that they asked me to work for them. So I started off this Monday, that it's what I am doing from day to day. 8 hours. So. Happy!
Except that, weather is cold but sunny, the internet connection is sketchy and I am more excited than ever to get even more work done and get an apartment (hopefully of course, you never know). I'm also involved in a lot of non-profit work in youth organisations. I am - for example - going to be one of's bloggers! I am very excited about that. I've also got loads of Annual Meetings planned this spring! YES!
I've also bought a camera for myself. My precious Fujifilm Instax Mini 90! I'm not really a pro (yet). But I'll learn and hopefully (in my future apartment) I can have a wall full of there little memories.
Lots of hugs / Maro xx
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