Believe and Act

Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a good start of the year and you're already up and chasing your dreams! 

My start of the year has been good. I am spending time with my boyfriend, eating nice food, playing games, going for walks, etc. Maybe it doesn't sound special, but it is to me, I don't know when I will be seeing him next time so I spend every minute I can with him. And starting my new year with him couldn't have been more perfect. 

I stay here until the end of January and then it is time for me to go home. Home. It's there, I start worrying that life will start taking a turn for the worse. I was really hoping for a job, but everything can't always be the way you want it and I have to keep trying. But I felt like I'd be coming home to the life I had last year. The life where I got up after 12pm every day, ate crap food, sat doing nothing and went to bed long after midnight, after playing games for hours. I don't want to go back to that, no matter how some people may believe it's quite nice. After doing nothing important, over and over for 6 months isn't my thing. In the end I can't stand not having anything to wake up to. And I felt like, that was the only choice I had. 

I am lucky and honoured to have such inspiring and positive friends and support when you feel like nothing will get better. This Monday I had a horrible day, nothing went right. I tweeted about my worries and the wonderful support I received, was something I really needed. (thank you <3)

Sure, I don't have a job. I don't go to school. I don't have money and I don't qualify for anything on paper. But I have the will, I have the strength. I have the motivation and that gives me so many opportunities. This whole day has been planning and creating my own opportunities. 

I've started studying JavaScript ans Python, because if I can't quality for a school, I might as well do it myself. I've built up a new world for my characters in the futuristic novel I want to write. I've started planning something for a non-profit youth association. I've put together what I need to freelance one of my business ideas. 

Just because someone else tells me I can't, won't or shouldn't do - doesn't mean it's true. Noone else stops me - expect myself (and possibly the police if I'd get in real trouble, but that's only if we want to be realistic). When I come home, there is a lot I want to do and I will not see my time as wasted. 

Stay strong and believe in yourself. / Maro xx

Picture from my Instagram; @evelinampihl.
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